General Activities and Recurring Events
Board of Directors meetings
will be held on the last TUESDAY of the month – 7:00 PM
All property owners welcome
Contract Bridge Group meets at the Clubhouse on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. RSVP’s are encouraged in order to ensure the game has the correct number of multiples required. If interested please contact Chuck Doll –
Davis Lake Book Club
The club meets once a month at the Clubhouse or a member’s house to discuss a book that was chosen by a member of the group. The member that chose the book can host and lead the discussion. Bring appetizers, drinks and conversation! Contact: Kelly Robertson
Empty Nesters Group
Meets on the 1st Thursday of the each month Sept – May at 6:30 PM at the clubhouse If interested be sure to contact Kathy Mercer at The group often meets poolside during the summer.
Davis Lake Men’s Tennis Database:
If you are interested in joining, please contact Scott Schaeffer at: no Yes
Be sure to include the following: Name, Contact Info & Level of Play
Yoga and Meditation Classes at the Clubhouse
For more details contact Mr. Deepak Andy at 704-999-1614 or
a group of parents in the Davis Lake neighborhood who exchange babysitting
services with no money involved.Email us at: