Davis Lake Architectural Standards
and Construction Specifications

Davis Lake Architectural Standards and Construction Specifications are posted online
in PDF format – a printable version that can also be read online

Supersedes all other DLARC Specifications

Davis Lake property owners are required to adhere to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions of the Davis Lake Community Association, the Davis Lake Declaration of Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions and The Davis Lake Architectural Standards and Construction Specifications.

No structure, landscaping, exterior addition to existing structure or change or alteration may be made until an ARC completed application with plans and specifications has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Architectural Review Committee of the Davis Lake Community Association, pursuant to the provision of the Declaration of Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions applicable to all properties of Davis Lake per Article VII, Section I (p. 35). It is the responsibility of each property owner to maintain their property in such condition so not to decrease the beauty or safety of Davis Lake or the specific neighborhood.

The Davis Lake ARC Standards must be followed by all Davis Lake residents including those in the Legacy and Woodcroft communities. However, if there are Legacy and/or Woodcroft standards, Covenants or By-Laws that are more restrictive, then you will need to comply with those as well if you live one of these communities. Please contact your community ARC representative for guidance before making any changes to the outside of your residence or landscaping.

Homeowners are encouraged by the Association to contract the work with companies that are licensed and bonded. Homeowners are encouraged to contact the Better Business Bureau about the contractor’s business history, and to ask the contractor for multiple references before signing a contract.

  • ARC Application Form
  • ARC Base House Color Wheel Listing
    These are typically the colors that residents use for the house and then provide separate swatchs/numbers of the colors they want to paint their trim and shutters. A suggestion is to look at a shade or 2 darker for the shutters. Generally trim is white but if they desire another color or contrast, they must provide a color swatch.
  • ARC Standards  – based on Davis Lake Declaration of Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions applicable to all properties of Davis Lake
    Revised 3-2017 Supersedes all other DLARC Specifications