Our neighborhood clubs are open to the residents of Davis Lake and guests.

Some of the clubs are listed below. Ask your fellow residents about other informal clubs in your neighborhood – such as bunco groups, bridge clubs, poker night, dinner clubs, teen clubs etc. Group leaders should contact webmaster@davislake.org to keep your information on this page updated.

Tennis Group

Join us for a casual round-robin of Tennis every Wed night, 6:30 until.
All levels are welcome for a fun time.

The Davis Lake Golf League-seasonal

The League started in 2012 and is open to any resident. The format is an individual handicap to be fair. Dates are April through July/August. There is a registration fee that covers the prizes for the season.

They play 9 holes course weekly, Thursdays 5pm, at Sunset Hills golf course. There is a green fee weekly.

Contact JR Ford at jrfordnc@gmail.com

25 Mile Swim Club- Seasonal

The 25 Mile Club is a summer-long swimming competition among residents. Starting on
pool opening day, going until the last day of the season, the goal is to complete 25 miles
in laps.

Empty Nesters Club: meet monthly

Empty nesters club meet monthly. Dates are posted on TownSq.

The Empty Nester’s club is open to Davis Lake residents. Empty Nester’s is an opportunity to come together to enjoy fellowship with your neighbors in the community. It’s a relaxed evening of conversation, sharing appetizers and, for those inclined, board games and cards. We are always open to suggestions/new ideas. All you need to join is to bring a snack/ a dish/appetizers to share and BYOB for an evening of fun.

If you are an Empty nester and would enjoy the company of people with similar situations, come out to our get-togethers.

Yoga Club- All levels are welcome

Yoga with Mardee. Bring your mat and enjoy an hour of Yoga and meditation. Every class is different, including some Barre, and Pilates. Our instructor is a 25+ year certified instructor.

No membership dues are required. $10 each class. Text Kathy Cooke 704.609.0808

Yoga with Heather. Enjoy a lush backyard oasis while practicing stretch and relaxation yoga, on Wednesdays and Fridays. $10 per class. Seasonal. Contact Heather at 704.606.6094.

Neighborhood clubs and Davis Lake Community Association committees offer additional ways to get to know your neighbors, and be involved and active in the community. If you would like YOUR favorite Davis Lake club to be listed above, contact us using the Feedback form!