The Davis Lake Community Association annual assessment (dues) are used for maintenance of the common grounds, amenities, and projects as deemed necessary by the DLCA Board. You will receive payment coupons annually with the assessment amount for the upcoming year. You may set up an auto draft for easy payment. There is NO convenience fee for auto draft. Payment may also be made via check mailed to Associa. Assessments are due on the first day of every quarter. If you are 30 days late paying the bill, a late fee will be added to your account. An annual budget and monthly accounting of funds are available in the DLCA Property Owners website.
For dues and billing questions,
Associa Carolinas
5550 77 Center Drive
Suite 240
Charlotte, NC 28217
Derrick Hoyle, Clubhouse Manager
DLCA property owners may choose from several payment methods. For more details please review our Payment Portal Page
More information about payment methods above – and an online payment option.
For more information about delinquent payments and our collection policy, Davis Lake Property Owners can visit and look under the “policies” section.
Maybe – if you follow a few steps before the pool season. DLCA property owners whose dues are current may use the neighborhood amenities – which includes the Swim and Tennis facilities – at no additional cost. These same rights DO NOT automatically apply to tenants/renters. Property owners must submit a notarized form each year before the pool season if they wish to “reassign their rights” (allow their tenants to use the pool instead of themselves) Contact the clubhouse staff for details and the form needed. Property owners may also download a copy of the form from the Property Owners section of this website. The form must be completed annually before tenants may use the pool, tennis courts or other clubhouse facilities. It is suggested that landlords complete and submit the form when a new lease is signed each year.
Davis Lake has an Architectural Review Committee (DLARC). The DLARC provides guidelines to assist the homeowner in researching what is allowed or not allowed in Davis Lake, based on the Homeowners Covenants (Declaration of Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions Applicable To All Property in Davis Lake) that all Davis Lake homeowners are legally obligated to follow. More details and a summary of the ARC Guidelines is online
The Declaration of Covenants, requires that all homeowners MUST submit for approval to the ARC ALL proposed exterior additions or alterations to their house or lot. All written homeowner requests must be on the “ARC Application for Change or Addition” ( PDF). This application is then submitted to the DLARC for review. The DLARC members will physically visit the site, and then make a decision on the requested changes. Homeowners are then notified in writing of all DLARC decisions within 45 days. For further assistance, please contact the Davis Lake ARC. ( Your message will go to all of the current ARC members. Please put your neighborhood or your property address (such as “Deer Cross” or 123 Poplar Grove Dr.) in the subject line of your message to help alert the proper ARC member to respond to your message.
All satellite dishes require ARC approval. (see question #2) If approval is given, satellite dishes must be 24″ in diameter or smaller and may not be visible from the street. Antennas and radio towers are not permitted per Davis Lake covenants and restrictions (see #2 above).
The common areas throughout the neighborhood belong to the Davis Lake Community Association. We understand that homeowners may want to landscape the common area but be aware that you individually do not own the common area. Before any changes are made, all written requests must be submitted to the Davis Lake Architectural Review Committee (DLARC) using the “ARC Application for Change or Addition” (PDF). The DLARC cannot approve landscaping additions that will restrict other residents’ use of the Davis Lake common areas.
NO! Due to insurance and ownership issues, the swing set has to be on the homeowner’s property, not on Association property. You must move the swing set onto your property immediately.
Advertising or announcement signs of any type are prohibited on the yard unless first approved by the Davis Lake Community Association Board. A “For Sale” sign does not require approval. Political signs are allowed only during the two weeks before an election.
- ContactDavis Lake’s Property Management Company for questions about Davis Lake common property, individual homeowner property, management issues, or non-compliance issues.
Associa Carolinas
5550 77 Center Drive
Suite 240
Charlotte, NC 28217
Derrick Hoyle, Clubhouse Manager
- Go to TownSq and submit your concern/complaint via the Request button.
- Call, write, or visit DLCA Club House, at 9000 Davis Lake Parkway, Charlotte NC 28269, 704-596-6958 to discuss your concern with the Clubhouse manager.
- Call a Davis Lake Community Association Board member. Current Board Members
The neighborhood covenants require that all mailboxes and posts remain the same in size, color, shape and appearance. The specifications are located on our website in a PDF printable format.
You may obtain the covenant required extra-large black mailbox at ACE Hardware, Lowe’s or Home Depot. More details on Mailboxes in Davis Lake. The DLCA does not pay for individual mailbox maintenance or repairs. We suggest that you do routine maintenance for your mailbox and post as you do your home exterior. Our covenants are designed to maintain neighborhood appearances and to keep property values up while keeping dues as reasonable as possible.
For additional help, contact:
Derrick Hoyle
There will be a call for DLCA Board Member nominations annually, posted on TownSq, – generally Oct. to Dec. Online Application Form The application requests that nominees fill out a brief biography and a statement about why they want to serve on the Board. This information will be publicized with the election materials to help property owners make a more informed voting decision. Voting will be completed by submitting a paper or electronic voting form before or during the Annual Community Association Meeting. New Board Members will elect officers and be installed after the Annual Meeting. Current Board members or Associa Carolinas Management can be contacted for further information.
The street lights in the community are maintained by Duke Power. Call 1-800-POWERON (769-3766) If you see a light out that is broken, burned out or is otherwise not functioning. Another option is to fill out the online service request by going to: and clicking on the “Report a Streetlight outage” button. Most of the lights in the community are marked with a number, please be sure to make note of this number when submitting the request.
Security is a concern for everyone and prompt investigation is often the most effective means of prevention and curtailment. If you see suspicious activity please dial 911, indicate if it is an emergency or not, ask for the police dept. and make your report. This will result in a faster response time than calling any local police department office and is the recommended course of action by CMPD officers.
Davis Lake resides in the City of Charlotte District 2. Contact List for our representatives e-mailed at or 704-336-3424. You should be also bookmark the City website at . The City and County Customer Service & Information phone number is: 704-336-7600 or 704-336-8600 (automated).
If you are selling your home, the closing firm will want to know about the status of your homeowner dues (if they are current or not). For an update contact Davis Lake’s Property Management Company:
Associa Carolinas
5550 77 Center Drive
Suite 240
Charlotte, NC 28217
Derrick Hoyle, Clubhouse Manager
Be sure to specify the property, owner involved, date of closing and where you want the information sent (phone, fax, e-mail).
If you are buying in Davis Lake Communities, you should be supplied the Covenants at time of closing. The covenants and by-laws of the DLCA are also available on the DLCA Property Owner’s Site and may be downloaded or reviewed online. This is the preferred method. If you need a printed copy, contact Associa Carolinas or the Davis Lake Clubhouse.
Animal Control (704-336-3786) can handle a variety of animal issues such as raccoons or opossums.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Sanitation will not automatically pick up “bulky items”, such as household furnishings, appliances, mattresses, box springs, lawn equipment, and similar household items too large to be placed in the rollout cart.
Call Char-Meck 311 from your home phone or 704-336-7600 from your cell phone to schedule pick up of these items. Or go to: Trash and Recycling – City of Charlotte (
to fill out the online bulky item pickup service request. Please do not put these items out at curbside until the evening before your scheduled pick-up date
You are required to get a permit from the City – call 704-336-6315 for info. The Swim team sponsors two neighborhood wide garage sales per year – usually the first weekend in May and October.
Davis Lake is a non-soliciting neighborhood and when solicited you should be polite and tell them that door-to-door soliciting is not desired in Davis Lake. Even if they have credentials from the City or County allowing them to solicit, you can explain that the community does not desire door-to-door soliciting. Notification signs have been posted at all entrances to the neighborhood. If a solicitor is a nuisance, call 911.
Fishing in the lake is restricted only to residents and homeowners in the Davis Lake Communities. Davis Lake is stocked with fish and maintained using homeowner’s association dues, and therefore should be used only by Davis Lake Community residents. Davis Ridge is not a Davis Lake Community and has not been granted free use of the amenities paid for by Davis Lake Homeowners Association dues. Davis Lake Communities include: Davis Lake Residential, Woodcroft and Legacy, Twisted Pines, and The Ridge at Davis Lake. These are dues paying communities. Bring your driver’s license to the lake when fishing in case your address needs to be verified.
The Charlotte Police Department cooperates with Davis Lake Community to enforce this policy. All residents have been given information about reporting a suspected trespasser to the police and neighborhood management. If you need this information, contact DLCA Club House, at 9000 Davis Lake Parkway, Charlotte NC 28269, 704-596-6958.
Non-residents of Davis Lake Communities found fishing in the lake will be told of the policy and asked to leave. If this person is found fishing at the lake again they will either be arrested for trespassing. Signs have been posted beside the lake to inform non-residents.
The original neighborhood developers specified a type of guardrail material that would take on a rustic, weathered or rusted look by design. The guardrails are not deteriorating and are not in need of maintenance. They have had this appearance since the early days of the neighborhood.