Scoop the Poop!

Cleaning up after your dog – not just a “good neighbor” thing to do – it’s the LAW! What is the Law and the Fine?

There are multiple doggie waste receptacles near our walking trails and sidewalks. These stations will be emptied regularly and will also have pick-up bags. We strongly encourage the community to use them to help keep our community clean and safe.

Part of being a responsible dog owner is picking up your dog’s poop. According to Char-Meck Storm Water Depart. “Dog waste is raw sewage: Scoop it, bag it, and place it in the trash.”

In Addition to being unsightly, Pet waste often carries parasites that threaten other dogs and small children;  poop contaminates both our soil and water supply.

More information about the health risks of animal feces not disposed of properly – according to a local veterinarian.

Pet owners are legally responsible for removing all pet waste from property other than their own – including sidewalks, yards, common areas and walking trails.

Charlotte/Mecklenburg County Animal Control ordinances require pet owners to remove pet waste from all property not their own. To report a dog owner who you have observed leaving pet waste on your property or common areas of Davis Lake, call Char-Meck Animal Control at 704.336.3786. You must have the dog owner’s name and you must have observed the owner leaving the waste behind.

According to the laws of the state, you cannot let your dog poop in someone’s yard. If you do this and don’t pick up the waste later, could be fined between $75 to $500.