All property owners in Davis Lake Communities are required by the Davis Lake Covenants and Restrictions to pay an annual assessment (homeowners association dues) to maintain our common property and amenities and for projects deemed necessary and appropriate by the DLCA Board per the Covenants.
- See your account on TownSq for the current quarterly assessment amount.
Property Owners receive an email reminder prior to the quarterly due date.
Payments are paid quarterly, in January, April, July, and October. You have 15 days to pay the bill or a late fee of $20 will be placed on the next bill.
The annual budget and monthly accounting of funds are available on the TownSq website.
For dues and billing accounting questions, contact Associa (704-596-6958).
Payment Mailing Address
Davis Lake Community Association
PO Box 531186
Atlanta, GA 30353-1186
Checks should be made payable to
Davis Lake Community Association
c/o Associa Carolinas
DLCA Property Owners can choose one of the following payment methods
- US Mail – Mail assessment payment coupon with Check or Money Order. The payment address is on the coupon and an envelope is provided.
- Auto Debit – Authorize Associa to draft the assessment payment from your bank account. You may call Associa (704-596-6958) to obtain the required form.
- Website Payments – Go online to https://app.townsq.io/
- Associa does not collect a convenience fee.
- Online Banking – Submit payment through your bank’s online banking system. Please include your account number on the remittance.
- In Person at the clubhouse
More information about Quarterly Assessments and Delinquent Payment Collection Policy is in the Property Owners section of our website. Registered Davis Lake Property Owners can access this section of our website. www.davislake.org/membersonly/
If you have additional questions, a problem with making a payment or your DLCA account contact:
Derrick Hoyle – Onsite Property Manager